Will the outgoing officers please stand?
[ call them up by name ]
On behalf of Toastmasters International and Founders District, I thank all of you for your accomplishments and salute you for your service. You are discharged from all further duties and responsibilities as officers of [ name ] Club No. [ # ].

Sergeant at Arms: [ full name ]I am here to install the officers of [ name ] Club No. [ # ] and to prepare them for the challenges that lie ahead. Their collective challenge is to make this club strong and dedicated to helping people from all walks of life, to listen with sensitivity, think creatively, and speak in an effective manner.
Treasurer: [ full name ]
Secretary: [ full name ]
VP of Public Relations: [ full name ]
VP of Membership: [ full name ]
VP of Education: [ full name ]
President: [ full name ]
As I briefly describe the responsibilities of each officer, I'll ask him or her to hold the gavel as a symbol of leadership.
[ hand the gavel to the Sergeant at Arms ]
[ full name ], the duties of the Sergeant at Arms are to reserve the meeting space with the proper authorities, make sure that all supplies and materials are properly distributed or displayed at meetings, greet guests and members, and call the meeting to order at the scheduled time. I give you this gavel as a symbol of this charge.
Will you perform these duties to the best of your ability?
[ SAA responds, “I will.”]
Please pass the gavel to the Treasurer.
[ full name ], The duties of the Treasurer are to collect dues from the members, send the dues and the membership renewal reports to Toastmasters International, and pay the club's expenses.
Will you perform these duties to the best of your ability?
[Treasurer responds, “I will.”]
Please pass the gavel to the Secretary.
[ full name ], The duties of the Secretary are to keep an accurate record of the members, submit the officer list to Toastmasters International after the election, and keep the club charter, constitution, bylaws, and minutes.
Will you perform these duties to the best of your ability?
[Secretary responds, “I will.”]
Please pass the gavel to the Vice President of Public Relations.
[ full name ], The duties of the Vice President Public Relations are to promote the club to the local media, spread the word about membership programs, and attend Toastmasters events.
Will you perform these duties to the best of your ability?
[VP of PR responds, “I will.”]
Please pass the gavel to the Vice President of Membership.
[ full name ], as the Vice President Membership, your duties are to conduct ongoing membership-building programs, explain the educational program to prospective members and ask them to join, and follow up on new members and absent members.
Will you perform these duties to the best of your ability?
[VP of M responds, “I will.”]
Please pass the gavel to the Vice President of Education.
[ full name ], The duties of the Vice President of Education are to plan successful meetings to help members achieve their educational goals, orient new members to the Toastmasters program as soon as they join, and monitor members' progress.
Will you perform these duties to the best of your ability?
[VPof E responds, “I will.”]
Please pass the gavel to the President.
[ full name ], having been elected the President of Club No. [ # ], you are its chief executive officer and will be expected to preside at all club meetings and at all regular and special meetings of the Executive Committee. It's your challenge to see that this Club enables its members to achieve their educational goals. It's also your challenge to see that your Club helps the Area, Division, District, and Toastmasters International to meet their goals. Please accept the gavel as a symbol of your leadership and dedication to office.
The gavel is a symbol of the power and authority given to you by the membership of this Club. Use it wisely and with restraint. You are a member of your team and a leader. A team is more than a collection of people. It's an emotional force rooted in the feelings, thoughts, and actions of all members with the common goal of achievement, sharing, and mutual support. Work with your team members to create a healthy, dynamic club - a club of which everyone will be proud. Will you, as President, accept this challenge and perform the duties to the best of your ability?
[ President responds, “I will.” ]
It's now my pleasure to declare these Toastmasters installed into the offices to which they have been elected.
[ Address the club collectively. ]
Will everyone please stand? The growth and development of the Toastmasters program in [ name ] Club No. [ # ] depends largely on the actions of this group. On your honor, as men and women of Toastmasters, will you pledge to individually and collectively stand by this club, live with it, and work with it throughout the coming year?
[ Every member responds, “I will.”]
I wish the [ name ] Club a very successful year. I'll turn control over to your new President, [ full name ].