This page is devoted to promoting information related to our Area Contests. This year, our Contest Chair is Stella Marie Mahakian. The first time I met Stella was in October 2013, she was competing in the Area C4 - Evaluations Contest. I was impressed with her spirit and enthusiasm and have had the privilege of seeing her develop as a Club leader. Stella is the Immediate Past President of Club 6570 - Surf City Speak N' Lead (Area C4).
FALL 2015 Contest
see Toastmasters International Speech Contest Rulebook 2015-2016 [ click here ]
Evaluation Speech Contest
At the Conclusion of the Test Speech, all contestants shall leave the room. They then have five minutes to prepare their evaluation using materials of their choice. Timing and preparation supervision shall be under the control of the contest sergeant at arms. Where this is not practical, contestants will complete their five‐minute preparation in the same room under the control of the contest sergeant at arms. Evaluation contest speeches shall be from two to three minutes.
Tall Tale Speech
Contestants must prepare their own three to five minute speech, which must
be substantially original and certified as such in writing to the chief judge by
the contestants prior to the presentation of the speeches (on form 1183,
Speaker's Certification of Eligibility and Originality). Any quoted material
must be so identified during the speech presentation.
October 3, 2015 - 1:00-4:00pm | contest starts at 1:30pm
Huntington Beach Community Church
8101 Slater Ave, Huntington Beach, CA 92647
download the club flyer [ here ]
SPRING 2016 Contest
Table Topics Contest
All contestants shall receive the same topic, which shall be of a general nature, and shall speak for two minutes. The topic shall be of reasonable length, shall not require a detailed knowledge and should lead to an opinion or conclusion. Each contestant will be introduced by announcing the contestant’s name, the topic, the topic, the name (and nothing else). Speeches shall be two minutes long.
International Prepared Speech
Contestants must prepare their own five- to seven- minute speeches, which must be substantially original and certified as such in writing to the chief judge by the contestants prior to the presentation of the speeches (on form 1183, Speaker's Certification of Eligibility and Originality). Any quoted material must be so identified during the speech presentation.
date/location to be determined