It is important to once again, pay honor and respect to the officers who have served a complete term and done their best to promote the club, participate in the activities that strengthen the club, and leave a legacy of outstanding leadership. It is important to recognize them publicly because most of their efforts were spent, out of the spotlight, late into the evening or in the early morning hours.
From the start, as early into the new year as possible, a formal installation of officers sets the tone for the upcoming year of service. Using the gavel to signify the office of power, responsibility and respect ... all present club officers are recognized by name and reminded of the duties with which their elected office is intended to uphold and enforce. It was Voltaire, the famous French writer, historian, and philosopher who wrote "with great power comes great responsibility." Every elected Club Officer, from the Sargent at Arms to the President plays a key role in helping the club to thrive and remain relevant for its members.
The capstone to the installation ceremony is the pledge given by the club members in attendance. A pledge to uphold, encourage, support, and empower these newly elected and installed officers. In order to be a leader there must be committed followers. The pledge of support provides the impetus for these officers to move the club forward, strive for excellence and distinction. Without a supportive membership base, the officers will flounder.
As a District leader, the Area Director is committed to supporting the clubs in his/her charge. This can begin with the opportunity to participate in the installation of newly elected officers.