Club Updates

JULY 2015

July 13, 2015

Club 100 - Christian Century Toastmasters
Deborah Reisdorph, President
This marks the first day of a six session SpeechCraft. There are two new participants for the first session. David Penrose presented a speech from the Better Speaker Series - "How to Control Your Fear" [ see the manuscript ]. Jon Hartowicz also presented a speech from the Better Speaker Series - "How to Select A Topic." Marty Goldman, DTM was a guest and served as the General Evaluator.
July 16, 2015

Club 8771 - SpeakEZs
Huong Dang, President
This month, the club held an Open House which was well attended. It looks they could be adding as many as five new members. With an Advanced Manual Speech by a club member and a creative Table Topic series, the attendees were left informed and entertained. The New Club Officers for 2015-2016 were installed by the Area Director.
July 21, 2015

Club 4007 - Stanton Speech and Debate
Doug Crocker, President
Talk about an exciting meeting! The topic for their monthly debate was "Should America be the Police Force to the World?" Cogent and lucid arguments from both sides of the issue. I can see that I will enjoy visiting, and maybe even getting the opportunity to present an argument. Additionally, inducted the 2015-2016 Officers among which was an immediate past Division Governor.
July 23, 2015

Club 9331 - Achievers
John Muse, President
This month, the club held an Open House. As a guest speaker, the club was treated to the District 23 International Speech Winner - Cindy Carpenter - who presented a speech that she intends to deliver during the World Champion of Public Speaking Competition in Las Vegas, during the International Conference.

Club 100 - Christian Century
Deborah Reisdorph, President
This month, the club held another Debate/Dialogue with the Backyard Skeptics. The question for the debate was "ABORTION: Should abortion on demand remain legal?" Like all of the previous debate, this one drew a sizable crowd and had outspoken opinions on both sides of the issue. Deborah Reisdorph, an attorney, spoke on the legal implications of statutory regulations or laws and constitutional issues. Their next debate is scheduled for September.
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