When every club participates in an Area Contest, the quality of the contest improves exponentially. We had representatives from each of the five clubs in the Tall Tale contest. Unfortunately, one contestant in the Evaluation contest was unable to attend. Our guest speaker was Pastor Mike Boswith, who shared his personal story of adversity and how God provided him the strength to continue in spite of immeasurable losses.

The Tall Tales are my favorite speeches because they demonstrate the creative abilities of speakers to craft and deliver a speech that only slightly reflects reality. Each contestant was given 3-5 minutes to tell their "tall tale" to an audience sitting on the edge of their seats. Thanks to everyone who helped make our contest successful - Stella (C2 Contest Chair), Carlos Copara (Contest Toastmaster), Lourdes Ortiz (ContestMaster), the Judges, the Tellers, Jeff Lee (Sgt at Arms), the volunteers, and Mary Berg.