I will!
Have you ever asked yourself, "what is MY purpose in life!?"
Have you ever wondered, "why am I here?"
I may not be able to help you find your purpose and answers to those profound questions in a 3-5 minute speech. I wish I could ...
What I can do is help you discover your purpose and message by focusing on which important decisions to make and how to move forward. Would that be helpful for you?

Before you are three doors - Door #1, Door #2 and Door #3.
We all long to pick the right door and hear Monty Hall say "So, tell them what they've won Jay!"
Only to hear Jay Stewart emphatically announce "A NEW CAR!!!"
so we can jump up and down like we have just made the best deal of our life.
In life you have choices, there are three doors and you have to pick one.
Would you like some help?
Ok, I'll help you ...
First, behind door number one
is the land of "what can wrong, does go wrong."
Erected in the center of town is the house that Murphy built.
An attractive home - infested with termites.
You have a landscaped yard - with a malfunctioning in-ground sprinkler system.
Your neighbors - The Munsters.
Re-consider, take a deep breath.
Second, behind door number two
is the land of "too good to be true"
Erected in the center of town is the house that Trump built.
An ornate mansion - furnished by "you break it, you buy it."
With a beautiful manicured lawn hydrated by a daily early morning dew from heaven.
Your neighbors - Ward, June, Wally and The Beaver.
Re-consider, take a deep breath.
Finally, behind door number three
is the land of Walt Disney, Napoleon Hill and Ralph Smedley.
Erected in the center of town is YOUR dream home,
furnished by every detail you can imagine.
"What the mind can conceive, and believe, it will achieve."
Psychologists remind us that it is "the images that we create in our mind, and cling to, that determine our future.
Take a deep breath, grab hold of the door knob, turn ... open, now cross the threshold.
Welcome to the land of YOURS
In life, you know there are choices
so fire up your imagination and embrace the best you can be
Live the live you have to live.
Give the message you were meant to give.
And ... as Ralph Smedly would encourage you