I have recently created two documents that I want to share. I created both as a PDF and they are available for public download from our club site (http://100.toastmastersclubs.org/downloads.html). The first is a Toastmasters Word of the Day - fillable Form. It basically had the space for the word and a second space for the definition. The font size is set large enough to be seen at the back of the room in a medium size meeting space.
The second form is a script for both the Timer and the Ah Counter/Grammarian. Using this form is going to help make guests and new members feel comfortable in standing in front of the group to describe their role as the important functionary. The more assistance we provide to our new members and guests (prospective members), the more comfortable they will become in volunteering to take new and challenging roles.
This year, our District Director, DTM and Ph.D. Pan Kao, has inspired us to accept and work to fulfill the vision of creating 46 new clubs - one for each of our areas. The principle is simple, excited Toastmasters generate excited prospects - excited prospects help charter new clubs. But, chartering a new club needs our commitment of support. Creating clubs doesn't stop at the time of the charter ceremony, as Deborah Reisdorph shared at the recent DEC (District Executive Council) Meeting "somewhere, someone is waiting for YOU to step and say, 'I'll help you!'" So, let's get out there and do what we do best, share the excitement and encourage our friends and colleagues to "Join and Serve to Prosper."