Last night, Founders District Division C held their make-up Officer Training. Additionally, yesterday at noon, I helped JonClaud Pinto complete make-up Officer Training at our Boeing - Huntington Beach location. It is refreshing to both provide and participate in training opportunities. This means that our organization believes in providing each person with the necessary tools to succeed. This leads me to the primary tool which is used to both assess and direct club health, the DCP or Distinguished Club Program.
It is important to remember that Toastmasters International has been around since 1924, and helped over 300,000 individuals improve their communication and leadership skills. They have found what works and what doesn't work. Their proven strategy includes focusing on club strength and vitality. When your members make progress, your club will thrive. Every day, I imagine the excitement I first felt when I realized that the local Toastmaster Club was supporting me in the pursuit of my own dreams.
If you would like to see how the DCP works, visit the website for Club 100 in Huntington Beach, CA ... their club portal includes a page devoted to publishing their progress toward the unique distinctions that evidence a growing and energetic club. Click [
here ] to see the components of their DCP.