Being eloquent? Not a pre-requisite to success. Being loquacious? Not required. A sesquipedalian? Actually may be counter productive! So, being able to speak like an Oxford scholar, who can talk for hours, and overuses words that nobody knows or understands ... are not a guarantee to your success as a public speaker. What will help you? Finding a public speaking coach with whom you feel a connection.
If you want to get on the fast track to success as a powerful, persuasive public speaker and charismatic leader ... you need to find a Toastmasters club near you. Attend the meeting. See if you connect with anyone at the club. If you find someone with whom you connect, then join - don't delay. If you don't feel any connections, find another club - visit clubs near you till you find a match.
Once you have joined Toastmasters, start giving speeches. Start following their proven educational program. Attend District events. Network with other like minded professionals. Be diligent in your search for a Coach that is affordable, available and proven in the area in which you are seeking coaching. Be honest with yourself.
Good luck in becoming everything you know you can be!