Sunday, July 19, 2015

Building a Healthy Team

With every passing day, I continue to be impressed with the educational/material/resource development of Toastmasters International. Don't even get me started on what an incredible bargain it is to belong to an International organization devoted to supporting the optimum development and success of every single member and club.

If you are a club officer this year, I strongly encourage you to download the Building a Healthy Team Manual and Workbook. If you are interested you can even download the PowerPoint slides, in either a PDF or PPT file format from the TI website
This is intended as a full hour, Club meeting devoted to assessment, planning and strategizing for the upcoming year. The learning objectives for the training are ...
  • Identify the five traits of a healthy team
  • Analyze their team’s current state and use the analysis to develop a plan to improve
  • Identify the behavioral styles of each team member
  • Create a healthy team by building trust
If you would like to have a moderator help your club complete this training, contact your Area Director directly. Any club that wants to thrive must start with a Moment of Truth and end with a clear Plan of Action. What are you waiting for?